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Breakout sessions

Call or text Martha Thorpe for more information: 972-767-9390

You are a unique person, in a unique role, at a unique organization, collaborating in a greater mission with many others.

Skim over the titles.
Pray for a moment.
Choose the best fit for you in this season.

Master Classes

Creative Preaching

Elevate your preaching skills to new heights in the masterclass “Creative Preaching,” where church leaders will delve into innovative techniques, storytelling, and dynamic presentation methods to deliver impactful and compelling sermons.

Philosophy of Kids & Students

Delve into effective leadership in youth ministry with the masterclass “Philosophy of Kids & Students,” where church leaders will craft and refine their approach to nurturing the spiritual growth of young individuals, combining philosophy with practical strategies for impactful engagement.

Climb Leadership Network: Discover How Coaching Can Help You Break Personal Lids and Organizational Barriers

Embark on a transformative journey with the masterclass “Climb Leadership Network,” exploring the power of coaching to break personal lids and overcome organizational barriers, empowering church leaders to reach new heights in their leadership roles.

Systems of the Church

Dive into the core structures and operations of the church with the masterclass “Systems of the Church,” empowering leaders to strategically design and optimize organizational systems for enhanced efficiency, growth, and impactful ministry.

10xing Your Business

Achieve exponential growth in your ministry with the masterclass “10xing Your Business,” where church leaders will explore innovative strategies and principles to propel their organizations to new levels of impact and success.

Growing Your Church

Uncover the keys to transformative growth in the masterclass “Growing Your Church,” where leaders will gain strategic insights, practical tools, and proven techniques to foster expansion, engagement, and impact within their congregations.

Friday Lunch and Learn

Preparing your Business for Sale

10 Ways to Get People Back In Your Church

Podcasting, Publishing, Parenting

Do’s and Don’t of Mergers, Acquisitions and Satellite Campuses

5 Levels of Growth

Breakout Sessions

Executive Leadership

Soul Care
Emotionally Healthy Leader

Let’s find out together how leaders can take inventory of their inner and outer lives, to assure that they are operating out of a full cup emotionally and spiritually.

Habits and Priorities of Soul Care

We are looking at the habits and the priorities that care for your soul that will result in in everyday holiness that makes a difference.

Leading the Church Without Leaving Family Behind

Leading a church well and leading a family well are not mutually exclusive.  Join us as we discuss strategies how to navigate the leadership of your home while leading in the church.

Women Discipling Women

Join us as we discuss how women can disciple other women that will alter her world and kingdom perspective.

Business Leaders
Integrating Faith & Corporate Pursuit

The idea of involving God in a secular business or career might seem like a challenging task, join us as we discover how to have our Christian principles lead us in business.

Pivoting Based on Economic Trends

Our economy experiences ups and downs, and both of which can affect our organizations. Join us as we strategize on how to be prepared for both good and bad economic seasons.

Women, Wealth, and Wisdom

See how to empower female leaders we explore financial stewardship, wealth-building strategies, and cultivate wisdom to navigate the intersection of faith and finance in leadership roles.

Unlocking Your Inner Genius

Join us as we discuss how to break through mental barriers and mind shifts you should maketo be the best leader you can be.

Senior Pastors
How to Become the Most Generous Church in the World

A generous church culture isn’t created by accident; join us we talk about how you can create a framework for the generosity of your church to grow upon.

Getting Out of Your Rut

Being stuck can lead to lack of motivation and have you operating on auto-pilot, join us as we discuss how to reignite your sense of purpose!

Growing 10% Per Year

Learn strategies for sustainable growth.  Discover practical insights and techniques to cultivate consistent and intentional expansion within your congregation.

Lessons from a Crash Site

As leaders we should be prepared for a crisis to ensure success for your church, join us as we come together to discover what steps we should be taking to ensure we protect and steward well our organization.

Building Great Teams
How to Have Undesirable Conversations

How you should tackle difficult conversations with unity as the end game.  Join us we discuss how to say what needs to be said in a way that it can be heard.

8 Behaviors of Effective Teams

Unlock the potential of your team with this class. Let’s dive into the key strategies and practices to cultivate a collaborative and high-performing team environment for success in ministry and leadership.

The Leader’s Mindset on Effectiveness & Trust

Mindful leaders will be effective because they are able to influence others’ behavior because they are trusted, learn how to be that leader.

How to Keep Great Teams from Being Torn Apart

Discover what attitude drifts you should look for in order to keep team unity and how to realign if you do.

Ministry Leadership

OCC Kids University

Join us as we discuss raising up the next generation in biblical knowledge and spiritual excellence.

Using Interns to Facilitate Great Ministry
Join us as we discuss how to create an opportunity to mentor the next generation to lead the church.
Ministering to Kids with Special Needs

Come learn and strategize how to minister to children and families with special needs.

Parent and Family Engagement

Let’s discuss how to create parent connections that bring along the whole family in a walk with Christ.

The Other 167

How are you engaging with your students and kids the other 167 hours through the week when they aren’t sitting in your service? Join us as we learn how to make every hour count.

What’s Our Goal and How Do We Meet It?

Embark on a strategic journey of goal-setting and effective implementation, empowering church leaders to define and achieve their mission with clarity and purpose.

Attaching Students to Ministry

Student ministry should be more than a 4-year holding tank; join us as we unlock the keys to student ministry engagement by using practical insights to form strong connections and foster a sense of belonging among the next generation.

Campus Engagement with High Schools

Explore strategic approaches to engage with high schools and their students on campus, building meaningful connections, and fostering positive relationships within the broader community. 

Young Adults

Join us as we discuss how to articulate and understand your “why,” fostering a foundation of clarity and passion that propels meaningful and impactful ministry inside and outside the church.

Know Your Why

Join us as we discuss how to articulate and understand your “why,” fostering a foundation of clarity and passion that propels meaningful and impactful ministry inside and outside the church.

Relevant and Righteous

Discover how to strike a balance between cultural relevance and spiritual righteousness and equipping church leaders with insights and practical tools to navigate contemporary challenges while maintaining a steadfast commitment to biblical principles and values.

Raising a Team on a Mission

How to Empower church leaders to effectively raise and lead mission-driven teams exploring practical strategies to inspire and mobilize the next generation, fostering a dynamic and purposeful ministry within the church.

Generational Leaders Shifts

Embark on a transformative exploration of leadership styles and strategies tailored to different generations, equipping church leaders with the insights and skills needed to navigate generational shifts, foster collaboration, and effectively lead diverse congregations into the future.


Get Attention: 1K invites

Master the art of outreach and engagement, church leaders join us as we learn about effective strategies to capture attention, extending a thousand invites for meaningful connection and participation in your community.


A System for Reaching Your Community

Discover a strategic blueprint for community outreach, we will explore effective systems and methods to authentically engage and impact their local surroundings.


Every Member on Mission

Unleash the potential of every individual in your church. Leaders join us for practical insights on mobilizing and empowering each member to actively be on MISSION!


The Power of the Big Day

Join us as we discuss how to create an excitement around outreach, pointing your congregation to a BIG DAY and being on mission!


Central Services

First Impressions
Bridging the Gap for Introverts

Empower church leaders to create inclusive and nurturing environments for introverted individuals, exploring strategies to bridge the communication gap, leverage the strengths of introverted leaders, and foster a culture where all members can contribute meaningfully to the church.

Creating WOW Experiences

Let’s discover how to create experiences that will exceed the expectations of your church attendees and guests.

Pastoring Your Row

How to engage your weekend service attendees with one another before, during and after service.

First 10 Minutes

First time guests \make up their minds whether they’re coming back or not in the first 10 minutes of their visit. How do you create an experience that they do.

Creating a Great Worship Culture

Let’s not just focus on the lights and music and choruses and screens, but let’s first focus on building a healthy culture of worship in our churches and worship teams!

Leading While Bleeding

Navigate the challenges of leadership with authenticity and resilience, addressing the personal struggles and vulnerabilities that leaders may face, and fostering a culture of support within the church community.

Moving People Without Manipulating Them

Discover techniques in how to equip worship leaders with the skills to inspire and guide individuals in worship without resorting to manipulation.


Unpredictable Worship Environments

Explore innovative approaches to navigating unpredictable worship environments, equipping church leaders with adaptable strategies to create meaningful experiences in dynamic and changing settings.

Digital Church
Authentic Community in the Digital Space

Let’s delve into the dynamics of building genuine and meaningful communities in the digital realm, exploring strategies to foster authentic connections and cultivate a sense of belonging in an online environment.


Your Church App vs YouTube

Navigate the landscape of digital outreach by comparing the advantages and challenges of developing a dedicated church app versus utilizing YouTube.

Leading a Global Ministry

Embark on a transformative journey to develop the essential skills and insights needed for effectively leading and nurturing a global ministry, navigating cultural diversity, and fostering unity in a digitally interconnected world.

Your Social Media Strategy

Join us as we discuss how to Create a Social Media Strategy for your church needs to keep your church’s outreach strategy, goals, and culture in mind.              

AI (Artificial Intelligence)
Using AI to Improve Teaching

How can using AI unlock a wealth of knowledge and deepen your understanding of Scripture.


5 uses of AI for Church Leaders

Join us to discuss five practical applications of AI in enhancing leadership and fostering a positive organizational culture.

Protecting Your Kids and Your Digital Threats

Join us as we address the challenges of safeguarding children in the digital and navigating potential online risks.

How AI Impacts the Processes of Your Church

Explore the transformative influence of AI on church processes; providing you with insights and practical applications for leveraging AI technologies in various aspects of ministry and administration.